Lawyers to report! Romanian lawyers challenges in the field of money laundering. Ep. 2

The second part of the study presents the exceptions to the obligation to report suspect transactions, the cases in which customer due diligence should be made and the contraventional, disciplinary and criminal liability for the Romanian lawyers under the...

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Lawyers to report! Romanian lawyers challenges in the field of money laundering. Ep. 1.

This study is structured in two parts for a better understanding and is designated to draw into attention to Romanian lawyers their obligation to report suspect transactions and to take appropriate customer due diligence under the Anti Money Laundering...

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The offense of breach of trust by defrauding creditors is a crime of result

The author exposes a different opinion regarding the possibility to prosecute a person under the article 239 of the Criminal Code. Given that the debtor’s patrimony modifies in time (fluctuations of assets and liabilities), a creditor can suffer damages...

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